Saturday, March 6, 2010

A milestone and a new beginning...

Today I turn 30. I am happy with who I am, I am happy with where I am. My twenties gave me a husband who I am madly in love with and two beautiful baby girls who I love so much my heart might just burst. I couldn't have asked for more from the last decade and I have nothing but high hopes and expectations for the next.
So what's this blog about? It's about a few things I want for myself that I haven't quite been able able to get a handle on thus far. I want patience, I want more stick-to-it-ness, and I want sweet skills. I am a creative person, and by that I mean I love to create. I have a need to be creative that festers inside me and makes me crazy if I don't get to it. I often find my brain rambling and rolling around creative ideas, but most of these ideas never make it to fruition. I lack organization, focus, and the patience to finish things. This blog is my answer to jumpstart this decade and gain these skills! I will be working on one project a week. I'll share what I learned and where I got the idea, or if it's my own idea I'll share how I did it. I work best under pressure, so I'm hoping concrete deadlines, a few visitors and some watching eyes will provide the pressure (and encouragement!) I need to stay focused and on track.
Make no mistake, this is not a blog by a girl who knows a lot, but by one who wants to know a lot! I'm expecting lots of growth by way of failures and hopefully some little victories too...I hope you'll join me as I spend this next year on my 52 Project Pickup....